Money Laundering

Money Laundering

General Objectives:

• Provide comprehensive guidelines on money laundering laws
• Indicate methods followed by organizations to ensure highly effective management of money laundering risks
• Provide guidance on practical problems encountered on a daily basis 

Target Group: 

Officials, auditors, internal auditors and control officials in banks and financial institutions, judges and lawyers


• Definition of suspicious money
• Methods of suspicious money laundering
• Stages of suspicious money laundering
• Indicators of suspicious money existence
• Procedures of suspicious money detection or mitigation
• Responsibility of banks and financial institutions
• Responsibility of parties supervising banks and financial institutions
• Responsibility of auditors
        - For suspicious money detection
        - For reporting thereof
• Auditor’s cooperation with the control parties in this respect
• Auditor’s report on suspicious money
        - In case they suspiciously exist
        - In case they are detected 

Course Duration:
15 training hours / 3 days 

For more details don’t hesitate to contact the training officer:

on telephone number 17383001
or e-mail at: gizrmrmt.yzsizrm@gztrgizrmrmt.xln


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